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About Rhona Jordan

Rhona Jordan meditating

Contact Information

Name: Rhona Jordan
Mobile: 7149744094

Other Places I Teach

Default Location

Orange County

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Sarton Physical Therapy

13891 Newport Ave. Suite 285 (2nd floor)

Certain sounds create specific responses in the body. It has been scientifically demonstrated that a mantra instills a sense of well-being and is a vibrant force for healing, creativity, spiritual enlightenment, longer healthier life and manifesting. Using this sacred mantra sound takes you deeper and faster into meditation. The Vedic Scholars knew this over 5000 years ago and from these sounds created a language called Sanskrit. The ancient language of Sanskrit is based on the primordial sounds of the cosmos and the word mantra, man the “mind” and tra is “to free from”. A mantra is a tool to free the mind in order to expand awareness. Connecting with the same sound of the cosmos/universe at the time of your birth is using vibrational and frequency awareness in the quantum field of all possibility.

Your own sacred Primordial Sound Meditation mantra (the cosmic vibrational and frequency sound) is recreated from an ancient Vedic mathematical formula based on the position of the moon at the time and location of your birth. This formula has been revised by Vedic Scholars, practiced and taught by David Simon and Deepak Chopra.

Meditating using your primordial sound is powerful beyond measure; imagine an entire office or family meditating together, Imagine the military, government and nations meditating together. Rhona offers you, your family, friends and coworkers your personal sacred Primordial Sound Mantra over three days, at a time and location in Orange County, California that is convenient for you. Also Primordial Sound Meditation Mantra is offered over 3 days on Skype or Facetime.  For more mantra information please go to Rhona’s web site or phone (714) 974-4094

Areas of Study
  • Chopra Online Programs
  • 21-Day Meditation Experiences with Deepak & Oprah
  • Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor Certification

Community Service

Volunteer Imagery with patients during chemo infusions. Rhona's brochures are in the newly diagnosed patient packets, surgical packets and in exam rooms at Breastlink in Orange, Ca. 

Professional Photos of Rhona Jordan Copywrite Prasad Photography, Newport Beach, CA
Photos of Rhona Jordan meditating by Paige Zak

I am certified in:

Chopra Meditation

Chopra Events Attended:

Journey into Healing
Seduction of Spirit
Perfect Health
Silent Awakenings
I Am Infinite Possibilities

Photo Gallery

  • Rhona Jordan with a client
  • Rhona Jordan at home
  • Solitary meditation Solitary meditation
  • Workplace meditation Workplace meditation
  • Children meditating in school Children meditating in school
  • Family Meditation Family Meditation
Rhona Jordan meditating


"Rhona, I love your knowledgeable and joyous teaching style! Your guidance and heartfelt support have helped me build a daily meditation practice that is so much a part of me now. I ‘m already experiencing more balance and calm in my life. Thank You!"

"Dear Rhona, I felt wonderful after your meditation class. I had so much on my mind when the class started, and by the end, I felt calm and centered, focused and ready to handle my daily tasks. Your voice is so calming and I love your sense of humor! Will definitely return for more of your brilliant wisdom and insights."

"Rhona is truly one of the great experts in the field. Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas PH.D., President, International Hypnosis Federation"

"Rhona is a must to be included in your process of focusing on successful results and record recovery time."

"Rhona is a truly gifted and dedicated therapist. Her guidance has helped me sort out and resolve many inner conflicts. The resulting peace and calm are priceless."

"Rhona is a treasure. Her guided imagery gently moved me back to center and reminded me of my own power. I was able to find the way back to that “place” all on my own."

"Rhona, I love your knowledgeable and joyous teaching style! Your guidance and heartfelt support have helped me build a daily meditation practice that is so much a part of me now. I 'm already experiencing more balance and calm in my life. Thank you"

"This primordial sound mediation class was a very special experience. Rhona did a fantastic job presenting the information in a way we could understand, grasp and apply to our lives. I wish I took this class years ago. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't benefit from this information. Since the class, I have used my sound daily- what a gift! -"

"Learning that I even had a primordial sound unique to me was fascinating; everyone should know theirs. Taking the Primordial Sound class with Rhona taught me that I CAN meditate on a daily basis; it is so doable and worthwhile. Actually learning to meditate with my mantra has brought me great peace in my life in just the short time I have been using it. This class was so enjoyable and effective, I’ve already recommended it to others!"

"What a gift Rhona has been to me. She has a unique ability to get me into a relaxed mental state with her soothing, warm voice. Taking the Primordial Sound meditation class was amazing. Learning to meditate daily has helped make my life much more calm and peaceful. I am truly grateful for the incredible knowledge she has shared with me!"

"I can not express enough gratitude and appreciation to you for your wonderful Primordial meditation class. Our family has a new understanding of meditation and consciousness because of you and your wonderful teachings."
--Wilkens Family